Products > Bellows / Couplings
Couplings / U-Joints
Couplings and U-joints are used to connect rotating shafts or other moving components and transmit motion to other parts of the assembly.
There are categories of shaft couplings—flexible shaft, rigid, and universal joints (U-joints). MW Industries produces both flexible shaft and U-joints. Flexible shaft couplings and U-joints are used when there is a degree of misalignment between connections. Standard flexible shaft couplings including beam couplings and servo couplings are used to accommodate small misalignments and U-joints are used in situations where misalignment angles are greater than a standard flexible coupling can manage.
MW Components produces multiple styles of flexible shaft couplings for various industries and applications. We even make custom couplings to your exact specifications. View our list of Standard Flexible Shaft Couplings.
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Custom Couplings & U-Joints
MW’s customization capabilities are vast, including various options for materials, secondary processes and finishes, and optional certifications. We produce several standard and custom coupling configurations with your needs in mind. No matter your performance requirements, we can create a coupling that is fit for the job. Some examples of applications where custom couplings may be required include; elimination of end-play, zero backlash, close tolerance requirements, spring elimination, and minimum windup or torsional stiffness. We have decades of experience working with customizations of all types and offer added design, tooling, and prototyping assistance as needed. Contact us for custom quote information to learn more.
Couplings & U-Joint Manufacturing
Our facilities manufacture standard and custom couplings and U-joints for multiple industries and applications using a variety of materials, end configurations, and tolerance requirements. No job is too complex; no application is too specific. We have what it takes to develop the exact component you require.
Looking for a list of standard flexible shaft couplings MW produces? Click the link below to learn more.
Quality Materials
Our standard couplings are generally produced using either aluminum or stainless steel; however, MW Components produces custom parts using various specialty materials including high carbon steel and others. If you require specialty materials not listed here, please contact us for a custom quote.
Coupling & U-Joint Applications
Our flexible couplings and U-joints serve a variety of purposes and industries. They can be manufactured to perform with zero backlash, minimal side loading, very low elastic windup, and with zero cyclic speed variation during 360° rotation. Our coupling and universal joints are also completely customizable including bellows and various options for end-pieces.
Contact us for a custom quote to discuss non-standard sizes, materials, etc. Lead times will depend on material availability and customizations required.
Quality Standards & Certifications
At MW, we pride ourselves on creating quality products that meet or exceed industry standards. Not only do our facilities perform rigorous quality assurance testing to your specified ranges, but we also maintain several key certifications to ensure that only the best products are shipped to you.