Drawbar Springs
Drawbar springs are compression springs that are excellent for use in potential overload situations and offer a built-in safety feature that, upon fracturing, will continue to carry a static load. In a drawbar spring, the load is applied at the ends of long steel loops which pass through the spring’s center and are hooked around the opposite end, thus compressing the spring upon loading. A common application of the drawbar spring is used when supporting a porch swing.
CAD files for stock and standard drawbar springs are available for download in MW OnDemand.
Drawbar Springs Manufacturing
Our facilities have access to the highest quality materials, industry-leading processes and finishes, and various engineering and manufacturing experts available to assist with your project or design. We also offer optional design, prototyping, and tooling services for your added convenience.
Quality Standards & Certifications
At MW, we pride ourselves on creating quality products that meet or exceed industry standards. Not only do our facilities perform rigorous quality assurance testing to your specified ranges, but we also maintain several key certifications to ensure that only the best products are shipped to you.